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University Information Services


1. General policy and responsibilities

In line with the University Health and Safety Policy, it is the University Information Services (UIS) policy to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of staff, students and any other persons who may use or visit UIS premises.

1.1 Responsibilities of the Director of UIS

The Director of UIS is responsible for health and safety in the department as outlined in items 7–11 of the University Health and Safety Policy.

1.2 General responsibilities of staff, students and any other persons who may use or visit UIS premises

Every member of and visitor to the University Information Services has a responsibility:

  1. To co-operate with the University in general and the UIS in particular on matters of health and safety.
  2. To use correctly any work items provided by the department or, in the case of contractors the employer, including personal protective equipment (e.g. goggles, gloves, clothing) in accordance with training or instructions.
  3. Not to interfere with or misuse any procedures or equipment provided for health, safety or welfare.
  4. To make themselves familiar with the Emergency and Evacuation Procedures displayed on exit routes.
  5. To not compromise the health and safety of others
  6. To raise any concerns regarding health and safety via the reporting systems in place at Department and University level.
  7. To be familiar with this Safety Policy document.
  8. To take care of their own health and safety.

2. Organisation and structure

The Director of UIS has overall responsibility for health and safety in the department.

2.1 Delegation of duties

The Director of UIS has delegated certain duties to the:

  • Departmental Safety Committee: to keep the Director of the UIS informed on health and safety matters affecting the department.
  • UIS Safety Officer: to advise the Director of the UIS on health and safety matters affecting the department and act as advisor and co-ordinator within the department to ensure compliance with current health and safety legislation; to ensure that appropriate records are kept and reviewed on a regular basis; to ensure that new members of staff are inducted into safety management, and to raise and maintain awareness of safety matters within the UIS.
  • UIS Fire Safety Manager: to advise the Director of the UIS on matters relating to fire safety affecting the department; to ensure that the department complies with current fire safety legislation and to arrange for training of volunteer Fire Wardens and Evac chair operators.
  • UIS Building Services Manager: to ensure that the premises, services and plant are kept in good order to comply with current legislation and that appropriate records are kept; to be responsible for Electrical Safety (excluding Computer equipment) in the department and to oversee the activities of contractors working on the premises. The Building Services manager also acts as Environmental Coordinator for the department.
  • Secretary to the Safety Officer: to ensure the safe-keeping of all departmental records relating to health and safety; to keep the Departmental Accident Book; to keep and order First Aid supplies; to keep records of Safety and First Aid qualifications gained by members of the department and to ensure newly appointed staff are given copies of the Departmental Health & Safety Policy and the VDU/Workplace Self-Assessment information, a copy of which can be found on the UIS intranet.
  • UIS Heads of Division
    • To attend Health and Safety Committee meetings or delegate one or more members of the Division when requested to do so.
    • To inform section managers of any relevant items concerning health and safety raised at the Health and Safety Committee meetings, so that they can be discussed/implemented at Group meetings.
    • To bring to the Health and Safety Committee meetings any relevant items raised in Group meetings.
    • To take action on any health and safety matter that needs urgent attention with the advice of the Fire Safety Manager/Safety Officer.
    • To ensure that Risk Assessments are carried out in accordance with HSE guidance, and/or as advised by the Safety Officer, especially with respect to VDU Workplace assessments, use of tools and machinery, electrical safety and any other activity or procedure of a hazardous nature.
    • To arrange for appropriate safety training for staff to use any equipment which is part of their job.
  • Individuals: All persons in the department have a responsibility both to ensure their own safety and the safety of any other person who may be affected by their actions. All persons in the department must comply with Departmental Safety Procedures.
